Specialty Insurance
Here at Southeastern Insurance Services, we are not limited to your everyday, "cut-and-dry" accounts. We have the knowledge and capability to also find coverage for more complex or unusual accounts. With access to a variety of carriers that specialize in these types of accounts, we can put together a package that will meet your specific needs, no matter the risk. Here are just a few of the different types of specialty coverage we can provide:
Cyber Liability
Does your company collect credit card information from your customers? Does it maintain a database of personal information about your clients or employees? With new threats to computer systems and data emerging every day, it pays to make sure your company does not become the victim of a cyber attack. Even if your business or organization has taken necessary steps to ensure the security of your data, you may not be keeping up with the increasingly sophisticated threats we are faced with today.
Cyber Liability insurance is available to cover your business or organization in the event of these attacks. If your company is using technology to do business, give us a call and we will find the proper coverage needed to defend your company.

Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability
This coverage helps to protect directors and officers of corporations and organizations, as well as the entity itself, against loss damages and defense costs due to litigation involving their performance in such capacity. Common claims involve securities laws, mergers and acquisitions and allegations of breach of duty.
Give us a call today for a free D&O Liability quote.
Errors and Omissions (E&O) Liability
If you are providing any service to clients for a fee, you should highly consider purchasing E&O insurance. Errors and omissions insurance protects against losses not covered by traditional liability insurance. It protects you and your business from claims if a client sues for negligent acts, errors or omissions that were a resulted from the service you provided.
Mistakes happen even to the most experienced professional. To ensure that you and your company have the protection it needs, give us a call and we will make sure you get the E&O coverage you need.
Oftentimes, the coverage limit provided on an insurance policy is not adequate enough for the amount or type of risk you are exposed to. This is where the need for an umbrella policy arises. Umbrella policies are written on top of the underlying policy and provide this extra coverage.
The umbrella policy serves three purposes: it provides excess limits when the limits of underlying liability policies are exhausted by the payment of claims; it drops down and picks up where the underlying policy leaves off when the aggregate limit of the underlying policy in question is exhausted by the payment of claims; and it provides protection against some claims not covered by the underlying policies.
Both, commercial and personal, policies may require umbrella insurance in order to properly cover the risks faced by a business or individual. Give us a call and let Southeastern Insurance Services help you decide if an umbrella policy is right for you.
Hole- In-One
Hole in one insurance makes it possible to award attention-getting prizes, such as brand new cars, or a large amount of cash, if someone makes a hole in one during your golf event.
Hole in one insurance, which is a type of prize indemnification insurance, works a lot like any other kind of insurance policy, except that instead of insuring your property against damage, you are paying a premium to eliminate the risk of having to pay for a prize if someone makes a hole in one during your golf event.
If you are having a golf tournament and want to offer a prize that will grab the attention of your participants, then give us a call and we can get you a quote.
... and with many here at Southeastern Insurance Services being avid golfers, we may want want to enter a team as well!
Inland Marine
Standard property coverage is typically designed to protect the assets at your business address. But if you have equipment or materials that frequently move to different locations, you may need inland marine coverage. An inland marine policy can cover things like a high-end digital SLR camera for your photography business, the power cleaners you use to clean floors, or the bulldozer at your newest construction project.
Regardless of the situation, Southeastern Insurance Services can help you ensure that your property is protected not only at your location but also while it is on the road, in temporary storage, or otherwise off-site.
Vacant Land or Building
In order for land to be considered vacant, there can be absolutely no man made structures that exist on it. If the land you own has no man made structures, you can purchase vacant land liability insurance to protect you against liability claims that happened on your land. If the land is not vacant, then you will need to purchase a homeowners policy in order to obtain coverage.
If you are not occupying a building you own, the building may be considered vacant even if you have property inside the building. If this is the case then you need vacant building coverage. If you are unsure if the building you own is vacant, or you would like to get a quote on your building, give us a call and we will help make sure your assets are properly covered.
If you have an exposure that needs to be insured, no matter how difficult or unusual it may be, Southeastern Insurance Services is here to help and if it turns out we cannot get you the coverage ourselves, we will happily point you to someone who can. If you would like to receive a free quote or have any questions, give us a call and we will be glad to assist you with any of your insurance needs! (757) 673-3169